Clairvoyants & Psychics Southampton


2 Gryf 45 Sutton Road
SO403PG Southampton
023 8087 1280


Christine can be found at 2 Gryf 45 Sutton Road . The following is offered: Clairvoyants & Psychics - In Southampton there are 4 other Clairvoyants & Psychics. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 1 Stars

Anonomyus wrote on 05-23-2012


I have had many encounters with psychics, and the ones I do see seem to pick up on something and I can relate to what they are saying. However, after wanting as much information as possible from different physics I decided to give Christine a go - and what a waste of money. Didn't pick up on anything which related to me, didn't seem to know what she was doing, and didn't make any sense too me. This could just be my ora on the cards, however I wouldn't see her again and I will stick to my normal psychics.


Clairvoyants & Psychics
02380871280 023-8087-1280 +442380871280

Map 2 Gryf 45 Sutton Road